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Migrating News Articles

I’m new to FreeUKGenealogy. As an experienced software engineer I was looking for a new challenge, to learn something, a way to use my skills and a bit of a hobby. I discovered that FreeUKGenealogy were looking for a WordPress Developer on Shortly after I registered I had a quick discussion with Denise. I […]

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Break ‘brick walls’ as a Volunteer Genealogy Researcher

We have been inundated with responses from potential Volunteer Genealogy Researchers for Open Data Day this year. Discover our other volunteering opportunities here.  ___________________________________________________ Can you spend some time on Saturday March 7th, and in the run-up, to help researchers break down their brick walls with our records? Do you love donning your detective hat to […]

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Brick Wall Challenge: Open Data Day 2020

We have been inundated with responses for Open Data Day 2020 so have closed for this year. ___________________________________________________ We’re holding a ‘Genealo-thon’ on Saturday the 7th March,using our records to help break down your brick walls. Why not get some fresh eyes on your Brick Wall Ancestor? For  Open Data Day 2020 we’re hosting a […]

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