Your support helps us to keep your ancestry history free.

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Impact of your donations

£10 per month gets 10,000 records into our databases each year.


It costs £30 per day to keep our servers running


£60 supports our volunteers for one week

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“This site has really helped me and gave me hope… ” Katherine

“I appreciate your site and all the work that goes into it, it’s helped me a lot in tracking relatives.” Bonita

“Thank you very much for addressing my concerns… I am pleased to hear that you are taking into consideration the feedback from researchers in your future plans.”

“Brilliant band of people who have constantly worked so hard to achieve this.”

“I live in California now, but was born in the UK, my family is still there and I am 98% British and European… About 66% British. I use FreeBMD all of the time to trace my family members who have passed… It’s a great resource! Thank you to all the people who take the time to translate all of the files and to those who are willing to help with look-ups.”

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