FreeBMD – a Christmas Reflection

As Christmas approaches it may be of interest to reflect on the huge progress made by the volunteers transcribing for FreeBMD. Since its inception, some sixteen years ago, FreeBMD have transcribed over 309 million records and adding a further 33 thousand records a day. This has been achieved over the years by 12,000 volunteers. Currently, 600 volunteers are active in transcribing.

We have 28 active syndicates transcribing both handwritten and typed index pages. Some of the syndicates are involved in independent double keying to improve the accuracy of the database. We have volunteers working on year 1975 whilst others are working on filling in missing holes in the earlier years.

See our progress via the  FreeBMD progress page

A big thank you to present and past transcribers from FreeBMD this Christmas.

You can volunteer to transcribe for FreeBMD here.

Allan Raymond
FreeBMD Coordinator of Syndicates
(Taken from the FreeBMD mailing list)