The Results of our Volunteer Survey

Over 300 Free UK Genealogy volunteers responded to a survey about communication in July, 2015. The outcomes of the Volunteer Survey are outlined below.

This volunteer survey – and resulting actions – only covered internal communications. A second piece of work, looking at external communications, is planned for 2016.

The Findings from our Volunteer Survey

Two-thirds of volunteers are happy with communication within Free UK Genealogy. A quarter would like more information to be shared. Some aired concerns about the lack of communication. 10% think things could be simpler or easier. Some people raised concerns about their own expertise, the bandwidth available in their location, and the cost of connectivity. The respondents raised a major concern that there is no way for the Executive to communicate with all volunteers. This will be addressed.

Currently, the most popular ways of receiving information about what is going on at Free UK Genealogy, and in communicating with others are Email lists and Direct Emails. Newsletters, dedicated forums, and the members’ area of FreeREG2 are also used to a much smaller extent. Other means of communication are virtually unused.
Looking forward, almost everyone is satisfied by emails (individual or group) or newsletters – so we will continue to use these, and look at making things simpler or easier for everyone. The use of forums was liked by others, as this enables them to see when a question has been answered and does not clutter their in-box. The development/enhancement of forums-with-email is therefore recommended. A very few people find none of these ways suitable for them. We’ll look at ways of meeting their needs, too. One specific instance of a communications failure was given: we will work to minimise these in future.

The full report can be downloaded (pdf).