Genealogy in Education
Students can be encouraged to search famous individuals’ family histories. One such individual could be the current Head of State for your country such as Prime Minister, President or Monarch. The family history records of these individuals should be freely accessible and improve your students’ knowledge of their ruling (or past) Head of State.
Due to ethical issues it is advised to use individuals outside of childrens’ family trees when in the classroom. The idea is to give the children the skills required in order for them to conduct their own research.
Genealogy have an article detailing the benefits of teaching genealogy in classrooms and some advice should children wish to research their own family history outside of the classroom.
Routledge published a book for primary school (Ages 4-10) teachers that provides comprehensive guidance and teaching aids for helping educate children about family history amongst other topics such as community history.
Excerpts from the book, including the family history chapter can be found on Google Books.
LearnNC’s book available for free download from their website contains case studies from American schools regarding their teaching methods for family history.

Researching Worldwide Family History
- Genealogy in Education
- Researching African Colonies Family History
- Researching Asian Family History
- Researching European Family History
- Researching Jewish Family History
- Researching Middle Eastern Family History
- Researching Oceanican Family History
- Researching Overseas Family History
- Researching South American Family History
- Researching Traveller Community Family History
- Researching W.Indies & Caribbean Family History