Researching Oceanican Family History


Australia is one of the countries on this list that has  very well developed genealogy and family history resources. Genealogy in Time have a recently updated list of developments and news within the world of Australian Genealogy.

Family History SA have a great resource of many useful links from cemetery indexes to census records. It is the most comprehensive list of Australian Genealogy links on the internet.

Genealogy Search Australia is a search engine function that will scour the information regarding genealogy. It also has a news section.

The National Archives of Australia is a good starting place for anyone who wishes to research their own family history within Australia.

British Solomon Islands

Forebears has a searchable list of records related to British Nationals and the Solomon islands.

Family Search have some information and useful links regarding the Solomon Islands.

New Zealand

Like Australia, New Zealand has very good resources available for any genealogists.

New Zealand History has a list of links and general information regarding physical material that has been published over the years.

The New Zealand government have a listing for what records are held and tips on what information to search for.

Researchers may wish to join the New Zealand Society of Genealogists, and their website contains tips and a news section.

Genealogy in Time have information regarding news and updates within New Zealand Genealogy.